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[영작] Silicon Valley: Big Success From Startup

by 예시카의 일상 블로그 2021. 2. 4.
  • 오늘은 링글에서 "Silicon Valley: Big Success From Startup" 주제로 토론을 했다.
  • 수업 방식은 내가 원하는 아티클을 선택해서 미리 읽고 수업에 참여하면,
  • 튜터분이 그 아티클에 딸린 질문을 하고 내가 답을 한다.
  • 수업 시간에 내 답변을 기반으로 좀 더 정확하고 세련된 비즈니스 영어 표현으로 바꿔주신다.
  • 꽤 도움이 되는 듯 ^^

  • Question 1 : Why did you choose this topic for today’s class discussion?
    • [My answer]
    • I am planning to launch my own start-up someday. I really want to know about their secrets which are embeded in Silicon Valley. I had worked in Silicon Valley from 2008 to 2009 as an expatriate from big telecommunication company. I remembered the enthusiasm and passion from Silicon Valley leaders. After 5pm, they are willing to attend to various workshops. There are a lot of venture capitalists and CEOs from big start-up companies who are willing to help beginning start-ups by providing precious advices. After daywork, no one pushes them to go to evening workshops, but they are eager to attend and learn there. I want to know the secret. 
    • [Correction]
    • Since I am planning to launch my own start-up, I am hoping to pull back the curtain [reveal one’s secrets] on Silicon Valley’s successes, so I will know how to strategize for my own company. One of the reasons I most greatly admire Silicon Valley is its commitment to guiding and learning from each other beyond the work day. From well-established companies, to venture capitalists, to the smallest companies which have yet to get off the ground, everyone is engaged and willing to pitch in.


  • Question 2 : Do you think where a company locates matters? Why do you think so?
    • [My answer]
    • As I mentioned that they are sharing their knowledges and experiences with each other through meet-up applications and platforms. They will offer new sessions for ask some help. Companies grow together and share the value. That kind of spontaneous or flexible value can be made easily when they are located close together. That kind of adjacency really helps to set more agile meetings. There is no official dinnertime and no heavy dinner was served. Everyone just focuses more on the productive discussions. Sometimes, the session lasts until 10 pm. I think that’s because the location should matter. Even though it is not Silicon Valley, anyone can build up that community if they are closely located together.
    • [Correction]
    • The location of Silicon Valley is crucial to its companies’ successes. Not only can individuals ask advice from those around them, but they can also offer their sessions and knowledge. Silicon Valley offers the advantage of proximity to other companies, which ensures flexibility and the ability to spontaneously schedule meetings and reach guidance. Silicon Valley’s community is cultivated by meetings and sessions, which can last until 10 pm. Despite the lateness of the hour, everyone emerges [comes out] from these sessions looking bright and awake, because they have been so greatly enriched by their colleague’s knowledge.


  • Question 3 : What do you think is the most crucial factor in setting up and operating a company - funds, workforce, customers, or ideas? What is the reason?
    • [My answer]
    • I think two things are very important. One is the workforce, the teamwork especially from the founders. The second one is customer. If they can prove potential customers exist in the market, they can get the funds very easily. In Silicon Valley, they are so many venture capitalists who are looking for creative start-ups. They already have the mechanism for measuring the most successful potential start-ups. Based on the data from customers, start-ups can go to the venture capitalists and show what they have done based on the small beta version and ask for growth money. That kind of reasonable conversation can be possible upon thier proven track record. Definitely good workforce can build the market. 
    • [Correction]
    • A start-up has the ability to achieve success if and only if [on the condition that] they are grounded [focus on, be rooted in] in their workforce and their customer base. It is especially vital that the founders are able to cooperate and work together with ease. Across Silicon Valley, venture capitalists are eager to fund creative new start-ups, and the mechanisms are already in place [already established] for this process. Start-up companies who are yearning [sense of desperation] // hopeful [positive sense] // anxious [in need, worried they won’t find it] for start-up money can approach venture capitalists with their experiences. 


  • Question 4 : What do you think was the most decisive factor and driving force behind the Mountain View area to be what is now Silicon Valley?
    • [My answer]
    • For example, the weather is perfect. I already lived there. All four seasons are not polarized. There is a warm winter and a little bit cool summer. Everyone can be active in all four seasons. In Korea or Chicago, the winters are very harsh and no one can gather in that cold weather. In Silicon Valley, the weather is totally perfect. The weather effect is very important. Another effect is diversity. There are so many different races from different countries and various ages which are gathered together. The location is close to Mexico and it is the most favorable place for immigrants to settle down. In California there are many different immigrant communities, from China, India, and some Hispanic countries, etc. That diversity from different countries allows people to open their perspectives.
    • [Correction]
    • From my own personal experience living in Silicon Valley, I believe that people naturally gravitate towards the area because of its impeccable weather conditions. All four seasons are very mild there-- the winters are warm and the summers are almost cool, which ensures [makes certain, secures] that residents can be active outside for the entire year. Another factor that pulls residents to Silicon Valley is the melting pot of cultures, ethnicities, and ages. California is welcoming to many different immigrant communities, from Mexico, to China, to India and beyond. Given this proclivity [tendency to do something often] to welcome individuals from different backgrounds, Silicon Valley ensures that people can open their perspectives and learn across cultures.


  • [Additional words]
    • Hit the nail on the head : Find exactly the right answer
    • Sociology: the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society.
    • Anthropology: the study of human societies and cultures and their development.



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